Hi, I'm Spencer

So happy that you have come here. Let me introduce you to my amazing Mum, Dr. Lisa Winters. As a Veterinarian, pet tarot, and animal communication expert, together we are on a mission to change the lives of both people and pets through connection and validation.  With Dr Lisa's unique combination of veterinary expertise, intuitive communication skills, and compassionate approach to care, she has helped countless animals and their owners improve their quality of life through her unique P.E.T. Method.

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Hi, I'm Spencer

So happy that you have come here. Let me introduce you to my amazing Mum, Dr. Lisa Winters. As a Veterinarian, pet tarot, and animal communication expert, together we are on a mission to change the lives of both people and pets through connection and validation.  With Dr Lisa's unique combination of veterinary expertise, intuitive communication skills, and compassionate approach to care, she has helped countless animals and their owners improve their quality of life through her unique P.E.T. Method.

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I’ll show you how to connect with your pets.

I have over 20 years’ experience being a veterinarian, pet tarot and animal communication expert. These ongoing validations and experiences have led me to understand that all people have the ability to communicate with animals. And using my unique animal communication techniques I empower them to achieve extraordinary, connected relationships with their pets by removing the fear of the unknown. With proven results in my abilities to not only connect with and give in-depth and accurate readings for owners. But to also teach people, like yourself, how to do what I do, how to become a P. E. T. Partner! (Animal communicator and pet tarot therapist).

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Frustrated and not sure what to try next?

Are you frustrated with the situation you are in, feel like everything you have tried just doesn't work?

Perhaps your pet is keeping you up at night, perhaps they are not eating?

Maybe your pet is acting aggresive or has behavior issues that you just don't understand.

When we are in this cycle, we feel we are letting our pet down, we are bad pet parents, we fear we have done something wrong and we lose trust in ourselves.

Is any of this YOU?

YOU are why I have created the P.E.T. Method and my P.E.T. Partnership Program

The P.E.T. Method

 The P.E.T. Method of Animal Communication has been uniquely created with the Pet Parent in mind and will allow you to cultivate a stronger, stress-free connection with your fur baby that ultimately puts you back in control by allowing your pet to be validated and you being their voice and advocate. You can achieve this by working with me using the P. E. T. method of animal communication. 




Learn More About The P.E.T. Method

Work With Dr. Lisa 

Different opportunities to work with Dr. Lisa and experience her unique P.E.T. Method of Animal Communication

Book A Personal Reading 


Dr Lisa offers personal one-to-one readings. The option of pet or pet owner readings to gain deep insight into not only your pet but your own emotions and behaviours and how they interact or to seek clarity and direction. In addition, she provides Re-Membering readings to connect with cherished pets that have passed. Personal readings are a fantastic way to introduce you to Dr Lisa, gain an understanding of her P.E.T. Method, and give you insight into your Pet's behaviour. 


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Group Mentorship Programs 


A passion of Dr. Lisa's is to be able to empower you, the pet parent, with the knowledge and skillset to deepen your connection with and understanding of your pet. Dr. Lisa has created the P.E.T. Partnership Program that combines online learning with live mentorship sessions to share her wealth of knowledge with you.  Perfect for you if you want to take your relationship with the animals in your life to the next level.

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Self-paced learning

If Live programs don't work for you Dr. Lisa now has her amazing P.E.T. Partnership Program available as a self-paced online course. A great opportunity to experience her amazing knowledge for yourself without the additional time commitment of group mentorship.

This Sounds Perfect

P.E.T. Empowerment Package

The ultimate coaching package is designed to help you and your furry friend develop a deeper, more meaningful connection.

Are you tired of feeling like you're not quite sure what your pet needs or how to provide it? Do you want to understand your pet's behavior and personality on a deeper level? 

Look no further than the P.E.T. Empowerment Package.

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P.E.T. Partnership Business Mentoring

The P.E.T. Partnership Business Mentoring Package with renowned animal communication and pet tarot expert Dr Lisa Winters is a comprehensive program designed to provide valuable guidance and support to entrepreneurs and business owners. This package offers a range of mentoring services, including one-on-one coaching sessions, business strategy development, and personalised advice tailored to your specific needs.

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Meet Dr Lisa


As a veterinarian, pet tarot and animal communication expert, I'm on a mission to change the lives of both people and pets through connection and validation. For over 20 years, I've been harnessing my unique skills in animal communication to empower individuals to become advocates for all creatures and co-create a better world. 

In addition to veterinary practice, I offer animal communication readings utilizing my P.E.T. Method which includes  Pet Tarot Therapy, a therapeutic tool I created to help connect pet owners with their pets on a deeper level. With the use of pet tarot cards I created from the pets' perspective, Pet Tarot Therapy provides detailed and accurate messages that can help identify and solve problems.

Skills I use every day

Every day as a veterinarian, I use my skills to get to the root of my patient's problems and help cure them of various illnesses. I remember one of my first days on the job, when I was faced with a sick black cat who I couldn't seem to diagnose. I cupped his face in my hands, looked him in the eyes, and asked, "So, what's going on with you?" To my surprise, the cat proceeded to tell me exactly what was wrong - he was diabetic. And sure enough, tests confirmed his message.

I ask this same question to this day.

More Of My Story

Kind Words from Clients and Students


Grab a copy of my latest Newsletter

Full of useful information to add value to your pet ownership experience 


Free 3-Part Training

A unique opportunity to experience a Beginners Guide to Pet Tarot for Free